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Leveraging Sustainable Technologies for Residential Reusables Programs

With Ken Field, IU Director of Residential Dining, and Elizabeth Riede, App State Executive Director of Campus Dining.

Ken Field, Indiana University Director of Residential Dining, and Elizabeth Riede, Appalachian State Executive Director of Campus Dining, joined this live panel chat hosted by Page Schult, Topanga CEO and Co-Founder, where they discussed how the evolution of different sustainability technologies are impacting campus dining programs, as well as the value of tech-enabled reusables packaging programs like Topanga's ReusePass.

Both shared from first-hand experience what it looked like to launch + scale a purely residential program and how they were able to measure the impact of reusables on their campus-wide sustainability efforts and overall ROI.

For context, both IU and App State launched their ReusePass programs in the Fall of ’23. Since then, both have been able to drastically reduce waste on campus, reduce their monthly costs that were previously going towards disposables, and look into retail expansion thanks to the success of the program.

Other areas that were covered in this webinar include:

  • Capturing reliable data to measure cost savings and impact

  • How that data can be leveraged to build out more robust and accountable reusables programs

  • Why 1:1 container tracking outperforms token and carabiner systems

  • How to utilize impact reporting data to engage your community

  • Why RFID scanning is great for reusables

  • And more!


Interested in seeing what ReusePass could look like on your campus? Reach out to us at to set up a time to chat.

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